
changes, changes

Well, it's been a season of changes for us, but it feels like the dust is starting to settle.

If you are reading this, then you realize we've changed our blog address... we were having some problems with our old one and blogger seems to be a little easier to use.

Some of the bigger events of late have been:

Leadership transition. Pastor Chriss Kleinloh and his family left September 13th for Texas, to help with an organization called Teen Street in Houston for 10 months. The church is in a transition time, but hasn't been moved too much, since there is a really solid group of elders leading the flock here. It's been cool to be a part of this time at Calvary Chapel Heidelberg. You can check out the Kleinlohs' blog here if you'd like: http://kleinlohsinmission.blogspot.com/

Moving! We have moved into the Kleinlohs' home while they are in the States. It is such a blessing for us, since it is an easier commute to the church and closer to where most of the church body lives. It's also a bigger place at an affordable cost to us. It's located in a little town called Schriesheim, about three towns out from Heidelberg. It's about a 30 minute ride by street car. We've been here for almost a month and are really feeling comfortable and settled in.

Deutsch classes. Last Tuesday we started our German language classes. We will be taking them each Tuesday and Thursday evening for about an hour and a half. This is really important, especially for Marah, since we want to speak the language of the people. Most people speak enough English in Heidelberg, especially at Calvary, to be able to get around. But we realize we are living in Germany and want to serve the German people, and that means we need to learn the German language to speak to the heart.

Please pray for us!

The big things right now are:

Our visas.. we just got a letter in the mail requesting some more paperwork/information for the visas, which is good. They're not throwing us out yet and it's moving forward :) But we still don't have them! The good thing is as long as they are processing the paperwork for the visas, we are fine to stay in the country.

The church.. though Calvary Heidelberg is doing well as Pastor Chriss is on his sabbatical, we definitely need prayer for the leadership and the flock. We know that there will be wolves that try to come in while the pastor is away and other things that come up.

Thank you guys for your prayers and support -- we are DAILY grateful to Christ for you all! We know we have a family backing us up and with us in spirit!

In the love of Christ,
Michael and Marah


  1. Praising God for you! Will pray for God to bless your study time to learn German!!! Hugs!!!

  2. Hope u both are still enjoying the newness of marriage,discovering awesome Godly things about one another. Your dedication IS inspirational as I know u are both working hard for the body of Christ. Have u read the book" Jacob Deshazur"? You may have asked me about it once.. anyway if u get a chance .. its a true story about a nonbeliever later turned missionary to the Japanese.. the very people who tortured him for 4 years in a POW camp. Its a bit about marriage too...Praying for u always and glad Cathy has u as a link on her blog too!! Now I can keep up with all my favorite peeps!! blessings and squeezes.. nancy mims
