how to support us

we know that all things come from the almighty hand of God, so our foremost desire is that you pray for us. 
that is the most valuable contribution anyone could offer.

while most of our blog posts provide specific & current needs, here are some on-going things you can pray for:

- Jesus Christ to be magnified, glorified, and adored through our life
- the Lord to continue to grow Calvary Chapel Heidelberg in the grace, love and knowledge of Jesus Christ
- the leadership at CCHD
- deep, impacting relationships with the people around us
- Spirit-filled wisdom and love for leading the worship ministry
- our ministry team to grow daily in Christ
- learning German

as for the financial side, you can make a tax-deductible donation by checks made out and sent to:

GO Ministries
P.O. Box 651
Norco, CA 92860

please make sure to have only the number 1299 in the memo line (this is our missionary number) and make the check out to GO Ministries.

you can also donate online through paypal on GO Ministries' website: 

again, please make sure to put in our missionary number- 1299 - to specify who the funds are for.

there is also the option of regularly scheduled electronic transfers from your bank. if you'd like to do this, you can check with your bank about the information you'll need from GO Ministries to make that transfer, and then simply contact GO for that information.